quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2016

Things you go through on your first job:

- You have to work at the desk that belongs to your boss because they don't have one for you yet. He asks you to go to youtube because "the room needs music". You get to see the list of all kind-of-porny videos he's been watching. At work.
- After hours staring at the computer designing tiny pieces he asks if you want to take a break. You think "That's kind of sweet that he's worried that I might be tired", turns out he just wants you to google how much the big boss payed for the chair in his office. He swears it's really expansive because it was designed by a famous architect, but you're not finding anything. He makes you call every store he can thinks of that might have the said chair. When you're finally done with it, you're even more tired than before. (Yes, the chair was really expansive).
- By the end of the day he makes you go with him and confront the big boss about the chair. Gets a new table.
- You arrive home feeling like you were hit by a train.

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